Dr Gregg Steinberg
- Hailed by Golf Digest as world’s best performance psychologist
- Best-selling author
- Entertaining and engaging speaker
- TED Speaker on Emotional Toughness and Resilience
- TV media expert and radio host
- award winning professor of human performance
Why would leaders of Fortune 500 companies come hear him speak?
Why would top executives from all over the globe listen to him?
Why would the coach of Tiger Woods call his writings-very insightful and unique?
Dr. Gregg’s Message
From his 30 years coaching elite athletes and executives and from his extensive research, Dr. Gregg has discovered that the secret to success is EMOTIONAL MASTERY. When you master your emotions, you master your world. When you master your emotions, you can bounce back quickly from a difficult client interaction, you can remain confident when times are difficult, you can stay emotionally connected when you are completely distracted, and you can handle the daily pressures of work and life that grow with time. He shares this powerful message with his audience but also gives hands-on tools so that the audience can lead a more effective and happier life-Dr. Gregg wants you to thrive on the inside!
Here is a one-sheet describing his Full Throttle seminar: Full throttle one sheet
Dr. Gregg as an in-demand speaker
Dr. Gregg speaks all over the world about emotional toughness to businesses ranging from financial services to IT to government agencies. He communicates to his audience through heartfelt stories. He weaves stories that are riveting yet life-changing. Corporations, associations, schools and even 8 year old golfers, have all indicated that Dr. Gregg is a unique and gifted speaker. According to their feedback, his uniqueness stems from being
- A Unique and Masterful Story teller – He has many unique stories with world-class athletes and top-executives whom he has coached to excellence and he shares these heartfelt stories with the audience. His speaking skills keeps the audience engaged and entertained.
- Provides hands-on tools – Dr. Gregg does more than just give his philosophy and tell stories, he gives his audience essential hands-on tools to improve their lives. The feedback from audiences is how employees’ lives have been changed because of the knowledge they learned.
- Looks like a celebrity – One comment from an 8 year old audience member was that Dr. Gregg looks like Will Ferrell. Okay, maybe that is not so impressive, but he keeps his message light and funny and is always entertaining.
Click here for a promo video: http://steinberg.impactfulmedia.com/speaking/inspirational-business-speaker/
Click here to see his TED talk (How to Fall Up): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKLy71DO6CQ
Dr. Gregg as an author
His first book MentalRules for Golf, was endorsed by Tiger Woods’ coach. His second book, Flying Lessons, shows parents how to build mental and emotional toughness in their children with targeted activities. This book has been adopted by churches around the globe as an education tool for young children. His third book, Full Throttle shows you how to supercharge your energy and performance by mastering the 6 key emotional strengths. It is a Washington Post Business Best-Seller.

Dr. Gregg with Hall of Famer Nick Faldo
Dr. Gregg as a performance coach
Dr. Gregg was voted by Golf Digest as one of the games’ great masterminds and has worked with many professional golfers on the PGA tour including Brandt Snedeker, Brian Gay, Bob Wolcott and Brad Fabel. He has also coached players in the NFL, NBA and major league baseball. He also consulted with NCAA champion University of Florida’s men’s golf team and NCAA champion runner-up Vanderbilt men’s tennis team and the University of Alabama Football team. Dr. Steinberg also works as an executive coach for many of the top corporations including Merrill Lynch and Pacific Life.
Dr. Gregg as a media personality
Dr. Gregg was a commentator for the hit show “Dancing with the Stars”, and appeared for Fox News as their sport psychology commentator for the 2008 Olympics. He has been a frequent guest on The Golf Channel and CNN. Currently, Dr. Gregg is a weekly guest on “Talk of the Tour” on the PGATOUR radio network on XM/Sirius and he writes a weekly mental game column on PGATOUR.com. He also writes a weekly syndicated column for Gannett Publishing called “The Head Coach”.
Gregg Steinberg as a professor
Dr. Gregg is a tenured professor of human performance at Austin Peay State University, just outside Nashville. Well-liked by all his students, he has been selected for numerous awards in teaching and research.
He studied performance psychology at U.C. Santa Barbara and then went to Florida State University for his masters and University of Florida for his doctorate in human performance.
Gregg Steinberg at home
Gregg lives in the hills just to the west of downtown Nashville, with his loving, beautiful and talented wife Tommie, their dog Fabio, and their newest edition Myles Thomas Steinberg.